About the Forum

The establishment of the Africa Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Annual Forum is in line with the African Union Small and Medium Enterprises Strategy.

This was adopted, in January 2019, by the Second Specialized Technical Committee on Trade, Industry and Minerals and endorsed by the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in February 2019, as a continental framework on the development of these important segments of enterprise development across Africa.

Recognizing the vital role that MSMEs play in driving economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction, the forum serves as a platform for stakeholders to collaborate, share insights, and develop strategies to support the growth and development of MSMEs.

Since its inception, the forum has brought together over 500 industry leaders, policymakers, and small businesses to foster innovation, enhance capacity, and promote sustainable development.

Access to finance is a key constraint to MSME growth. It is the second most cited obstacle facing MSMEs to grow their businesses in emerging markets and other developing countries.


Fostering Growth and Innovation for MSMEs in Africa
  1. Promote MSME Development: Enhance the capacity of MSMEs through training, mentorship, and access to resources.
  2. Facilitate Collaboration: Establish a platform for policymakers, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs to collaborate and share knowledge.
  3. Support Financial Access: Bridge the financial gap for MSMEs by facilitating access to funding and investment opportunities.
  4. Drive Innovation: Encourage the adoption of innovative practices and technologies to enhance MSME competitiveness.

Priority Sectors

Focus Areas for MSME Development

The Forum has prioritized key sectors such as agriculture, Manufacturing, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Mineral Sector, and Creative Industries. 

These sectors align with the African Union's key strategies, including the SME Strategy, Fashion Industry Development Strategy and the Commodity Strategy. It also supports Agenda 2063's vision for sustainable development by empowering African small businesses to drive economic growth, foster innovation, and contribute to long-term job creation across the continent.

By concentrating our efforts on these priority sectors, we aim to maximize the impact of our initiatives and support the sustainable growth of MSMEs.

With Africa’s vast mineral resources, we’re striving for an industrialized continent. Here, electric vehicles, smartphones, and cutting-edge technologies will be more accessible and sustainably produced.

Moreover, exploration and processing will occur within Africa itself.This future we’re building relies heavily on small businesses (MSMEs).

These innovative companies play a crucial role in the sector.

  1. Firstly, they contribute significantly to industrialization.
  2. Secondly, they support the global transition to clean energy.
  3. Additionally, they enhance the diversity and resilience of critical mineral supply chains.

By participating in the MSME Forum, you’ll gain valuable opportunities. For instance, you’ll access a unique platform that connects mineral exploration experts, artisanal miners, and other key industry players.

Furthermore, you’ll explore new prospects, share best practices, and collaborate on groundbreaking projects. Ultimately, these efforts will shape our planet’s future.

The MSME Forum recognizes Africa’s creative industry’s potential. This sector is driven by three key factors: a growing youth population, increasing urbanization, and a rising middle class with evolving consumption patterns. The creative industry encompasses diverse activities.
  1. Firstly, it includes traditional cultural expressions like arts, crafts, and celebrations.
  2. Secondly, it covers visual arts such as paintings, sculptures, and antiques.
  3. Additionally, it involves design fields like fashion and jewelry.
  4. Lastly, it encompasses creative services, including architecture, advertising, and cultural activities.
Investing in these creative industries offers numerous benefits. For instance, it can drive sustainable economic opportunities and improve local communities’ livelihoods. Moreover, it expands business prospects for small enterprises. Consequently, this investment contributes to the growth of related sectors, particularly tourism and manufacturing. By focusing on design, creative services, visual arts, and crafts, we can unlock the full potential of Africa’s creative economy.
The African Union MSME Forum recognizes the crucial role of small-scale farmers and agricultural businesses in Africa’s food security. Indeed, these small businesses are the backbone of the continent’s food systems, cultivating about 80% of Africa’s food. The MSME Forum offers several key opportunities for agricultural SMEs:
  1. Scaling up impact: Participants can learn strategies to enhance small-scale farmer resilience. This includes access to training sessions on various topics offered by partners, which can help improve farming practices and productivity
  2. Business model innovation: The forum provides a platform to explore innovative solutions and adapt to crises. This is particularly relevant given the changing economic landscape and the need for sustainable development.
  3. Developing sustainable solutions: Attendees can collaborate on groundbreaking projects focused on better nutrition and sustainability. This aligns with the AU’s goal of increasing food production and accessibility across the continent.
  4. Accessing opportunities: The forum facilitates connections between rural and urban farmers, as well as other key industry players. This networking can lead to new partnerships and market access.
  5. Policy engagement: Participants can interact with policymakers to help shape innovative proposals for bridging the financial gap for agricultural MSMEs.
By participating in the MSME Forum, agricultural small businesses can gain valuable insights, connections, and resources to unlock their potential and contribute significantly to Africa’s food security. This aligns with the African Union’s broader goals of sustainable development and economic growth through agriculture.

Industrialization offers great potential for Africa’s economic growth and improved livelihoods.
Key sectors include:

  1. Pharmaceuticals and vaccines
  2. Medical and chemical products
  3. Automotive industry
  4. Processing industries (leather, cocoa, shea butter, soya)

By focusing on these areas, Africa can create sustainable opportunities and reduce imports.

Manufacturing in Africa brings several benefits:

  1. Job creation: It provides employment across various skill levels. This ranges from factory work to research roles.
  2. Economic growth: Producing and exporting high-value goods boosts GDP. As a result, the overall economy expands.
  3. Technology transfer: Partnerships with international firms bring new knowledge. Additionally, investment in R&D introduces advanced technologies.
  4. Economic diversification: Developing multiple industries reduces risks. Consequently, economies become more stable.
  5. Enhanced value: Local processing adds worth to raw materials. Moreover, it creates opportunities for related industries.
The MSME Forum recognizes the ICT sector’s potential in driving growth and innovation.
It brings together key players to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Participants gain access to:
  1. Best practices sharing
  2. Emerging trends insights
  3. Innovative solutions
These benefits help companies stay competitive in the evolving ICT landscape.
The forum also offers:
  1. Product and service showcases
  2. Networking opportunities
  3. Market exploration
By leveraging collective expertise, ICT companies can: Accelerate growth, Enhance competitiveness, and Contribute to sector development.
Through these initiatives, the MSME Forum aims to boost the ICT industry’s impact on economic progress.

MSME Strategy

A Comprehensive Approach to MSME Development

The African Union MSME Strategy is a comprehensive framework designed to accelerate the growth and development of MSMEs across the continent. Adopted during the 34th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council, the strategy aims to integrate MSMEs into regional and global value chains, promote intra-African trade, and foster competitive, diversified, and sustainable economies.

The strategy is built on eight pillars, each addressing a critical aspect of MSME development, including access to finance, capacity building, market access, and innovation. 

Pillar 1

Create enabling business environment and ensure energy access and infrastructure

Pillar 2

Facilitate innovation and technology, and promote startups, knowledge-based sectors and growth.

Pillar 3

Create enabling business environment and ensure energy access and infrastructure

Pillar 4

Facilitate innovation and technology, and promote startups, knowledge-based sectors and growth.

Pillar 5

Promote business development services and institutional capacity building

Pillar 6

Promote learning practices and knowledge management

Pillar 7

Promote business development services and institutional capacity building


Our Journey

27 June – 1st July 2022
4th – 8th September 2023
9th - 13th September 2024
Inuagural MSME Forum
The first MSME Forum was held in Cairo, Egypt, in June 2022. This event, recognising MSMEs as drivers of economic growth in Africa brought key stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing MSMEs and laid the foundation for future forums.
2nd MSME Forum
The second forum took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in September 2023. Building on the success of the inaugural event, this forum focused on capacity building, training, and building collaboration among MSMEs stakeholders.
3rd MSME Forum
The third forum will be hosted in Windhoek, Namibia, in partnership with the Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB). Scheduled for September 2024, this forum will herald the pilot cohort of the Enterprise African Network Fellowship.